Solar panel to triple 2017 record
Rooftop solar panel installations soared by almost half in the first six months of 2018 as businesses eclipse residential take-up for the first time.
The future of Australian Solar PV
Australia, unlike most other large markets globally for solar PV, has traditionally steered clear of installing solar systems larger than 100 kilowatts.
STC target to 1140 MW of solar PV
The Clean Energy Regulator announced on Thursday 29 March 2018 that the 2018 target for the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, which provides financial support to rooftop solar PV and solar hot water, is to be 17.08% (this is called the Small-scale Technology Percentage or STP). Green Energy Trading has assessed what this means for the level of solar expected to be installed in 2018.
Defining small and large scale systems
The Clean Energy Regulator recently announced changes to the definition of a boundary for a PV system. They have gone into detail on scenarios where customers may be eligible to claim either claim STCs or LGCs, details of which can be found here.
Let's not forget about deeming
Quite simply the deeming period is an estimate of the years the system will create renewable energy between the year installed and the end of the scheme in 2030.
4 essential fixes for the National Energy Guarantee
The NEG could be an effective mechanism to achieve emission reductions