Turnbull can look to his past to address high power prices
Australia’s electricity and gas prices have reached historic heights that are squeezing household budgets while threatening the very survival of some Australian manufacturers.
Renewable is up but there are clouds ahead
Over the years we’ve seen lobbyists and incumbent energy interests repeatedly proved badly wrong about the levels of renewable energy we could manage to achieve.
Rooftop solar’s second boom
It appears the fossil fuel industry’s scare campaign over renewable energy driving up the price of electricity is having the same desired effect it had back in 2011 when they campaigned against placing a penalty on polluting the atmosphere with global warming gases.
STCs target drop. Solar sales take-off
The Clean Energy Regulator announced on Tuesday 28 March 2017 that the 2017 target for the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, which provides financial support to rooftop solar PV and solar hot water…
‘Clean coal’ push could make emissions worse
The government has indicated they will push the Clean Energy Finance Corporation to finance new coal power plants on the basis that these coal plants have lower emissions than existing coal power plants.
Review of the NEM in 2016
Electricity consumption in the National Electricity Market (NEM) increased by 0.8% in 2016, this is on top of a 1.1% increase in 2015. Queensland and NSW experienced increases in consumption with all other states experiencing a reduction.